If you've made it this far into my story, you now know that I'm about to enter my Saturn Return (read more about it here). This is usually the period in one's life where they go through their first awakening of, "Who am I? What is my purpose?" and that is EXACTLY where I was and the energy I entered into during mine.
It was like clockwork when I hit that Saturn Return. I started to awaken to this deep rooted knowingness from within that there was WAY MORE to this life I was living and one that society seems to say we needed to be living or doing. I was feeling this rebellious calling to say "fuck this hamster wheel of society... I am getting off!"....and I did.
It all started with one Netflix documentary I happen to find over 10-years ago. "The Secret"....have you head of it? Read the book? Watched the documentary? Well, as silly as it may seem it totally started a synergy of remembrance within me. I randomly found it....it actually was the FIRST thing I saw as I opened Netflix....I wasn't searching for anything...it was just there. I can thank Divine intervention for that one. As I tuned in and watched it I was sucked into this mystical, metaphysical world of , "Wow! Yes!!! This is truth! I know this to be true. Why isn't anyone else talking about this?" (and I'm sure there we plenty of souls knowing this and chatting about it, but I didn't know anyone in my life who was at this time.)
I think I probably watched it a handful of times and each time I would take notes or jot down some inspired thoughts that came to while I watched it....and thinking back on that time I was channel writing and not even realizing what I was doing. (channeling is something I wouldn't fully step into until much later in my path.) That simple moment of my Saturn Return + The Secret created an energy expansion in my own field that shifted the course of my life in a significant way.
A few months after watching that documentary I booked a session with a intuitive, psychic medium (who later became a great friend, supporter, and mentor of mine). I had NEVER met her before in my entire life, but everything about her page called me in. I actually filled out all the details, got to the payment section, and then closed it out. I started to get nervous and doubt that I wanted to do it. And then my phone rang. It was Melinda, whom I was trying to book with, and she called to make sure I wasn't haven't booking issues. She told me she rarely ever called people like this, but felt a nudge to reach out. As soon as I heard her voice I melted into a space of complete trust and knowing that this was the next step on my path. So, I finished booking it right then and there while on the phone with her.
Soon after that phone call we had our first phone meeting that lasted 2-hours and there was so much information that was coming in. It was exciting and so eerily on point. I could hardly believe all that she was channeling for me with knowing so very little about me, but there was not a skeptical bone in my body. I knew her energy to be true, pure, and trustworthy....my intuition knew it too.

As we continued our calls together, I began to receive tons of affirming signs from Melinda as well in my own life that I would be SOON heading down a VERY different path than most. One that would be looked at as, "too woo woo", "too weird", and "very crunchy". (ha ha) Our calls opened up my soul way more than I could have imagined. I was safe to speak freely, to share my otherworldly thoughts, and to truly release resistance to the fear of following my own unique path. Melinda was a pivotal portal for me on my path and soon I would get a message from her that created the shift in my life.
During the course of the past few months that Melinda I began our work together I had quit my corporate job and started my own group fitness business where I taught Zumba, Sculpting, and Hip Hop Dance Fitness. I should probably tell you that I had NO experience running a business nor did I have any experience being a fitness instructor, but I trusted the guidance and I took the leap. Plus, being an avid group fitness goer, an athlete, a lover of dance, an advocate of moving the body...and just an overall LOVE of health...I figured, "Hey, I can fucking do this! I have the passion!". One of the other biggest drives for me doing this was so that I could be with my two little babes more and I wanted freedom. I was not meant to be behind a desk 5-days a week, working in finance, doing month end stuff.....ugh, stuffy and NOT ME. So, with the support of my husband....I quit that part of my life and I embarked on the world of fitness and health...one that intrigued me and I had loved for as long as I can remember. (and guess what? I'm still doing it 11-years later.)
Now, let's get to that very important message from Melinda now, shall we? So, one day I was taking a hot soak in the tub after teaching my Saturday morning fitness class. I was relaxing and zoning out (or actually tapping in unknowingly. I was still a baby on my spiritual path at this point) and I kept seeing the word, "Reiki", scroll around in my mind like a movie scroll that tells you what movies are now playing in the theater. I kept seeing it over, and over, and over again. I thought, "Hmm, interesting. That's weird. I haven't thought of Reiki since I was in massage school." (oh, yeah....did I mention I went to massage school? I did it to kill the time while my husband was away overseas. He was a USMC. I can quickly note that I figured out pretty quickly that I loved being massaged WAY more than I liked massaging others. ha ha. BUT, I truly think I was brought to this healing practice for a bigger reason than possibly becoming a massage therapist someday).
As I got out of the bath I didn't think much more of seeing the words Reiki in my mind other than thinking I wanted to look into this a bit more to see what the word meant. Just as I was getting out of the bath my cell phone rang...it was Melinda. She was calling me on a Saturday out of the blue. She proceeded to tell me, "I don't normally call clients during non-session times, but I was guided to call you and ask you, "Have you ever thought of doing Reiki?". As she spoke those words my jaw just DROPPED wide open. "What did you just say?" I asked. She repeated herself again to which I said, "You are not going to believe this, but I was in the bath and I got the same message. What in the world?!?!?" Then Melinda said, " I think you should look into it. You are meant to do this work."

So, as soon as we hung up I got dressed , hopped on my laptop, and set off to search for a Reiki training near me. I immediately found, Pam, my first Reiki Master, sent off my application to see if I was a fit to study under her. I heard back from her the next day letting me know that her guides and my guides felt that our work together would be greatly supported. I booked my Reiki Level I with her that day and off I went. I studied with her intensely for Level I and she then encouraged me to do Reiki Level II....so I did. I signed up and off I went again. Spending hours with her, learning from her, practicing my craft, and receiving her feedback. It is so wild when I think back on it all now. Embarking on roads that no one I knew traveled, studying this modality with a complete stranger and yet feeling so at home, and to doing all this "woo woo" stuff and fucking LOVING it!!!
Reiki shifted my life in profound ways. It opened up my channel. It dropped me back home to the young teenager who was obsessed with energy medicine and holistics.
It was a homecoming.
And it was ONLY the beginning.......to be continued.